An anti-nuclear group is planning a protest at Tucson Electric Power, following word that three utilities might pursue a new reactor in Arizona.
A city zoning examiner rejected three TEP requests for zoning exceptions to allow for high-voltage power lines to be ...
Hundreds of customers are without power on the Eastside near Speedway and Pantano, according to Tucson Electric Power’s ...
The Arizona Corporation Commission approved a plan to reduce Tucson Electric Power Company bills starting April 1.
Arizona's leading utility companies are exploring the addition of a second nuclear reactor to meet the state's growing energy ...
Proposition 414, the Safe & Vibrant City ballot measure asked Tucsonans to vote on raising the city’s sales tax from 2.6% to ...
Arizona and Tucson Electric Power Co. filed a notice of settlement to resolve the state’s claims it’s entitled to costs Arizona incurred responding to hazardous substances at a landfill.
Arizona Public Service (APS), Salt River Project (SRP), and Tucson Electric Power (TEP) on Feb. 5 in a news release wrote that they have been “monitoring emerging nuclear technologies and have a ...
Southern Arizona is bracing for incoming rain and strong wind gusts, but will this precipitation be enough to alleviate the ...