Over 1 million people from around the world are expected to attend the annual ball drop celebration in New York City's Times Square. The tradition has been held annually since December 31 ...
The first Times Square ball drop was a rousing, if messy, success. Crowds “began pouring” out of the subway station the night of December 31, the Times wrote, reporting, perhaps with ...
Lightbulbs, a new technology at the time, were used to create a lighted time ball. It would drop over Times Square for the first time on New Year's Eve 1907. That first ball was six feet in ...
Times Square's biggest tourist draw is the annual New Year's Eve ball drop. Revelers crowd the area to see New York's famous Waterford crystal ball descend 77 feet from a pole on the One Times ...
[Dino] wanted to make this New Year’s celebration a bit more interesting, but he can’t make it to New York for the ball drop ... budget than the folks at Times Square, but we think his ...
Tamares Group just sealed a four-year extension for its $505 million debt package on 1500 Broadway in Times Square.
They would drop their ball at noon, exactly. The Times Square ball first dropped on January 1, 1908. However, in another American difference, the stroke of midnight is when the ball reaches the ...
NEW YORK (CNN)-- New York celebrates the centennial of its most famous New Year's tradition Monday, as organizers of the Times Square ball drop have given the crystal globe an environmental makeover.
Final preps underway for New Year's Eve ball drop in Times Square Roughly 1 million people will pack themselves into Times Square on New Year's Eve, and officials want to ensure they have a fun ...