Smart meters are failing across the UK ... The in-home display does not have to be working for your bills to be correct, however. If you spot a problem, contact your supplier to give them a ...
Aound one in 10 meters are thought to be not working and stuck in "dumb" mode, according to recent data from energy regulator ...
A group of Dutch scientists have been testing out some of today’s “smart” electrical meters to check their accuracy, among other things. Not ones to disappoint, the scientists have found ...
Not that this elevated danger level has kept [Hash] from exploring the mysteries presented by smart meters ... shots of the insides of the meters he’s been working with. [Hash] has been working ...
Households who have policies with British Gas, OVO, EDF, EON and Octopus are being warned to watch out for signs there smart meter is not working properly. According to a survey by Which?
Some people are concerned about the collection and storage of data, as smart meters can track specific energy usage patterns.
In India, there have been protests against smart meters by users who claimed that their bill amounts increased post installation; connections were automatically cut off if the bill was not paid.
The government's money-saving, energy-tracking revolution has turned into another costly damp squib. They were hailed as a technological advance that would save us all money, eliminate billing ...