The exact cause of scleroderma remains unknown, but it is recognized as having an autoimmune basis, with the most likely ...
After the news broke that beloved comedian Bob Saget died Sunday at 65, many of his friends and family encouraged fans to donate to the Scleroderma Research Foundation, a cause that was extremely ...
Two new studies led by researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) have uncovered key biological mechanisms driving systemic sclerosis (SSc), or scleroderma – a rare and often devastating ...
was the most severe complication of scleroderma and the most frequent cause of death. SRC is defined as a new onset of extremely high, arterial blood pressure or "rapidly progressive oliguric ...
Bob Saget was a tireless champion for causes of all kinds, but none were as close to his heart as scleroderma research. The beloved comedian — who died Sunday at age 65 — had spent the last 25 ...
Scleroderma is a rare disease in which a person's immune system ... and digestive tract—is replaced with scar tissue. This change causes the tissues to become stiff and the muscles to not work as well ...
The underlying cause is unknown. There are different forms of scleroderma, with some types affecting specific parts of the body and others being systemic. The mildest forms of localised ...
These patients with scleroderma should be carefully evaluated for non-scleroderma causes of kidney disease.
in sera from patients with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma). The authors performed a series of experiments that confirmed that these antibodies recognized and activated native PDGFR on fibroblasts.