A standing room only crowd asked questions of an empty chair representing Rep. Jack Bergman (R-1st Congressional District) at ...
"We're super excited to see this one moving forward," said city manager Brian Chapman. "We'll get the construction going ...
At Sault Ste. Marie city council Monday night, a motion was put forward by councillor Angela Caputo, requesting that staff report back on current snow removal service delivery models.
"Canadians are some of my best customers and they're just not going to come over here now," said Kathy Dowd, owner of Sault ...
As Canada charts its course towards a prosperous future, Sault Ste. Marie stands out as an underrated community when it comes to quality of life. The Sault is home to affordable living ...
CHIPPEWA COUNTY, Mich. (WPBN/WGTU0 -- Leaders with the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians are explaining the next steps after a cyber attack. Nearly three weeks ago, a ransomware attack ...