The SAS and MI5 were involved in an operation which resulted in an IRA man being shot dead by the RUC, a Police Ombudsman ...
“Should personnel fail to meet these standards, they will be held to account. In line with Service Law, all personnel are ...
The Republic of Ireland has imposed visa restrictions on nationals from the neighbouring states of Eswatini and Lesotho.
Prosecutors should focus on the IRA members involved in a machine gun attack on a Co Tyrone RUC station shortly before an “unjustified” Army operation killed four of the gang, the DUP leader has said.
Earlier this month, Mr Justice Humphreys, who is Northern Ireland’s presiding coroner, delivered his findings at an inquest for the four men. He found the SAS soldiers did not have an honest ...
No one knew how it acquired its name, just that it was where secrets about Northern Ireland were discussed. A direct line to Whitehall and a satellite link to Special Air Service (SAS) HQ in ...
He has tabled a question to the government asking what investigation is being carried out “into BBC Northern Ireland’s misrepresentation of the SAS” in the article. Nationalist politicians ...
Correction: A previous version of this article incorrectly said a SAS announcement and an initiative launch occurred this ...
SAS soldiers shot dead Kevin Barry O’Donnell ... “There are many right-thinking people in Northern Ireland and indeed across the UK who see this judgment as perverse, irrational and wholly ...
A coroner who ruled SAS soldiers were not justified in killing four IRA members in a 1992 ambush in Clonoe, Co Tyrone, is to refer his findings to Northern Ireland’s Director of Public Prosecutions.