Chapter Name: Kappa Pi National Founding: December 4, 1906 Founding School: Cornell University, NY Campus Founding: 1975 Nickname: Ice Cold Brothers, Alphas Colors ...
Texas Congressman Al Green is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Representative Al Green recently captured attention ...
Alpha Phi International Fraternity was founded at Syracuse University on September 30, 1872. It was the third Greek-letter organization founded for undergraduate women. In 1887, the Gamma chapter of ...
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. was founded on December 4, 1906 on the campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York by seven college men who recognized the need for a strong bond of brotherhood ...
Founded by the freshman class as a literary society and led by William Medema, Cosmopolitan is the oldest fraternity on Hope’s campus and is represented by the Greek letters Phi Kappa Alpha. The ...
Located: Norris Center, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston Alpha Phi Alpha has an intake process unique to the organization. For more information, please contact Andrew Pinkston or visit our NPHC Recruitment ...