Our Lady of Fatima promised that the whole world would be in peace, and that many souls would go to Heaven if Her requests were listened to and obeyed. She told us that war is a punishment for sin ...
He will lead the consecration, a prayer ... baffle us, Fátima is of our own time. By the church’s clock, which is slow, 1917 was yesterday. The note of urgency in the words from Our Lady ...
The brilliant Lady encouraged them to pray the rosary, which is a summary of the ... What that word will be will depends on the cooperation which Our Lady of Fatima receives from us.
So the first reading of this Eucharist began, and its words are wonderfully fulfilled in this assembly devoutly gathered at the feet of Our Lady ... to us in modern times. I have come to Fatima ...
Between May and October 1917, Our Lady appeared six times to three young Portuguese ... His Holiness Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) went to Fatima on a pilgrimage of prayer and peace. On that occasion, he ...