Nineveh Provincial Council on Wednesday ousted its head Ahmed al-Hasud, accusing him of forging his educational credentials ...
Work of French (M. Botta) at Kouyunjik. Attempts to get people interested in supporting excavation work. Botta discovers artifacts at Khorsabad, and the French government started to financially ...
Jonah hurries to tell Nineveh that it’s doomed. But the city repents, and God forgives the people, which frustrates the prophet — after all, why all the drama if nothing was going to happen?
At the end of the 8th century BC the Assyrian King Sennacherib chose Nineveh as his capital and built what he called the 'Palace without Rival', decorating it with finely carved reliefs.
Like Jonah, we are called to let God work through us. Though Jonah initially resisted his mission, he ultimately embraced his ...
but for the Iraqi people, Iraq’s history and the international community. The wall was initially built to protect the city of Nineveh from intruders and invaders. The wall in the 1970s after it ...
In the Bible, Jonah was ordered to go to Nineveh and warn the people about the city’s impending destruction because they were so evil. He did not want this job because Nineveh was ancient Israel ...
Jonah prayed - prayed for a second chance... Jonah is told by God that he must go to Nineveh and tell the people living there to lead better lives or God will punish them. But Jonah doesn't want ...