Nancy Wilson of the popular rock band Heart has come under fire for claiming it’s “more embarrassing than ever” to be an ...
"We were kind of embarrassed at that time to call ourselves American because of the dirty politics of the Vietnam War," ...
"There'll be another renaissance in the arts to push back against the oppression of the cranky old rich white guys" ...
In a new interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Nancy Wilson of Heart opened up about writing "Crazy on You" about ...
Nancy Wilson explained why she is embarrassed to be American -- even more so than during the Vietnam War -- during a March ...
L OS ANGELES — Half a century after the release of 1975's "Dreamboat Annie," Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart are on the road. The tour wasn't necessarily designed to mark the 50th anniversary of ...
Heart guitarist Nancy Wilson has reflected on the Vietnam War as an embarrassing time for the US, but says she's even more ...