Smithson was one of the first researchers to systematically categorize calamine—or zinc as it was later called. In 1832, three years after Smithson’s death, French mineralogist François Sulpice ...
If you want to see a museum with an impressive mineral collection, you could travel to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural ...
The Hefner Museum of Natural History's subject matter makes it a great choice when ... Their goals include obtaining new knowledge about the Earth; searching for new reserves of essential minerals, ...
Scientists at the National Museum of Natural History study environments and mineral samples from the Earth's interior to the asteroid belt. Additionally, geologists at the National Air and Space ...
Connecting you to the nature in your neighborhood...and the world. The Hefner Museum of Natural History uses exhibits, collections and specimens, and interactive programs to teach visitors of all ages ...
Whether you're interested in the deep sea, dinosaurs, insects or gems and minerals, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County offers hours of exploration of all things related to natural ...
U.S. News Insider Tip: This expansive museum could take all day, especially for families. The dinosaurs, the planetarium, the gemstone and mineral hall ... Museum of Natural Science features ...
Located on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno, the Museum of Natural History holds irreplaceable specimens of plants and animals used in research, teaching, and outreach. Collections date ...