Since Oct. 16, when Iraqi forces launched a large-scale offensive on Mosul to dislodge ISIS fighters, more than a hundred villages have been liberated. But the battle for Mosul continues.
Photos released Wednesday by UrtheCast reveal ... Below is an infrared view of the Mosul District taken by UrtheCast on October 18: "The smoke covers part of the city Qayyarah, about 35 miles ...
Photographer Emanuele Satolli has been covering the battle for Mosul since it first started. He recently returned as Iraqi forces work to free western neighborhoods from the deadly grip of ISIS.
Palestinians continue traditional Ramadan celebrations in the southern Gaza Strip to a backdrop of devastation from Israeli ...
A United Nations agency said it has discovered five bombs in a wall of Mosul's iconic Al-Nuri mosque, planted years ago by Islamic State group jihadists, during restoration work in the northern ...
Mosul’s Renowned Minaret Restored From Ravages ... said Thannon, speaking inside his shop with images of his two sons hanging behind him. He broke into tears as he recalled their deaths by ...