When an exoplanet is discovered, scientists are quick to describe it and explain its properties. Now, we know of thousands of ...
An object eight times the mass of Jupiter may have swooped around the sun, coming superclose to Mars' present-day orbit ...
Let’s talk about destruction and creation, burning towers, rock bottom, regeneration and using ashes as clay. Pluto, our ...
Astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery in the WASP-132 system, finding two new planets that defy previous ...
Exoplanets have captured the imagination of the public and scientists alike and as the search continues for more, researchers ...
Right now, the outer planets are all on relatively the same side of the system. As a result, we can enjoy a planetary parade ...
Recent studies have revealed that, until now, Hot Jupiters seem to be the only planet in orbit around their host star. This ...
New research has revealed that Hot Jupiters do not always push away or destroy nearby planets during their migration. This ...
A new understanding of planet formation The discovery of an outer cold giant planet and an inner Super-Earth adds another layer of complexity to the WASP-132 system. The standard hypothesis of ...
The organic material found in a few areas on the surface of dwarf planet Ceres is probably of exogenic origin. Impacting ...