Despite the fact that most of humanity has shared the devastating emotional turmoil of a breakup, the topic is strangely ...
score and the creative touch of animating Kahlo's paintings. "We wanted to make sure that the audience in a way kind of physically or literally dove into Frida’s heart and into her pool of ...
"Bourgeois, formalist and decadent", this is how the Soviets described La mesa herida, the most colossal of the paintings that Frida Kahlo made as a donation to her comrades and which they rejected ...
The Archives of American Art created this exhibition in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month 2001 in order to pay tribute to Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (b. 1907 d. 1954) and her enduring influence ...
She was a style icon and stayed true to herself and her mexican roots, right up until her final painting eight days before she died. "Viva la vida" - long live life. Frida Kahlo was born and grew ...