The Fast and Furious franchise debuted over two decades ago, and it was initially a street racing film series. Following its ...
Part 2, is being described as the franchise’s finale, meaning the series cannot ignore Brian O’Connor any longer. Paul Walker ...
Following the destruction of the California wildfires, FAST & FURIOUS's Vin Diesel confirmed that filming for FAST X: PART 2 ...
The end of the road begins. Fast X, the tenth film in the Fast and Furious Saga, launches the final chapters of one of cinema's most storied and popular global franchises, now in its third decade ...
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Scott Phillips covers the film festival circuit. I’m perplexed that a brain-dead action film like Fast X, the latest installment in a ...
"Fast X" debuted to a sizable $319 million worldwide opening weekend, and a lot of that has to do with the franchise's core messaging around family. "If I had to stand behind our theme and what ...
Vin Diesel took to Instagram on Thursday to share that Fast & Furious will "finally return home" to Los Angeles to complete the eleventh and possibly final film, Fast X: Part 2, to support the city ...