Almost every country has committed to preventing child labor, but the issue persists through entrenched systemic drivers: the ...
According to data from the United Nations, there are an estimated 152 million children between 5 and 17 years old engaged in ...
Today is World Day Against Child Labor. Shockingly, the International Labor Organization estimates that worldwide 160 million children are involved with child labor - and that number is expected to ...
Of nearly 250 million children engaged in child labor around the world, the vast majority- 70 percent, or some 170 million-are working in agriculture. Child agricultural workers frequently work ...
Rabat - Governing Body of the International Labour Organization (ILO) unanimously selected Morocco today to host the 6th ...
African countries are home to most of the world's 160 million working children. The International Labor Organization estimates that more than 72 million children in sub-Saharan Africa — nearly ...
Some of the world's first city-kingdoms formed in the ... "Not only did the Kingdom begin to rely more and more on child labor, but the children were trained to make the cups as similar as ...
Bangladesh is the world's second-largest leather-exporting country. A quarter of the country's leather workers are children, according to a study by the University of Sussex. These youngsters are ...
However in the same period, 1,992 children were rescued, withdrawn from work and mainstreamed under the Ministry of Labour and Employment’s NCLP scheme, which is a pointer to the negligible ...
The most subscribed YouTuber in the world, Mr Beast, has arrived in Ghana and an exciting video announcing his arrival has ...
Mangochi District Council labour officer Alice Chandilanga has urged parents and guardians in the district to stop child ...