BALTIMORE -- Baltimore County native Benjamin Banneker's contributions to Black history are stories of resilience, activism, and ingenuity. Banneker was born on a farm in 1731 in Oella ...
On August 19, 1791, Benjamin Banneker wrote a lengthy letter to Thomas Jefferson, then Secretary of State, in which "having taken up my pen in order to direct to you as a present, a copy of an ...
Benjamin Banneker was one of the most famous black men in colonial America. He was a farmer, a mathematician, an inventor, an astronomer, a writer, a surveyor, a scientist, and a humanitarian.
Less than two weeks after Benjamin Banneker wrote to Thomas Jefferson, challenging the democratic ideology that denied liberty and humanity to blacks, Jefferson sent him a polite response (dated ...
He was deeply inspired by Benjamin Banneker, a Black mathematician and astronomer who created a wooden clock that kept precise time in 1753. Aldis credited him as the inventor of "the very first ...