If you do not have an account then email Tom Allston, laboratory manager. Atomic Absorption Atomic ... High performance Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) is an analytical chemistry ...
Please contact the laboratory to discuss your particular application ... main mass spectrometer operation and Chromeleon 7 integrates the GC and MS and performs analytical and data processing tasks.
The course is designed to provide an introduction to the types of analytical instrumentation used in laboratory settings within the applied biomedical sciences. Emphasis is placed on theoretical ...
The AB/Sciex 4000 Qtrap is a triple quadruple (QQQ) instrument, specialized in selected reaction monitors (SRM)/multiple reaction monitor (MRM) for absolute quantification of molecule(s) in a complex ...
Students are allowed to explore and solve a wide variety of chemical problems in their research and laboratory experiences.
Through its Marine Environment Laboratories and the Terrestrial Environmental Radiochemistry Laboratory, the IAEA provides about a hundred different certified reference materials that it distributes ...
Laboratory analytical and experimental services includes the measurement of organic, inorganic and microbiological deteminands in water, wastewater, soil, sediment, rock and gas samples, using both ...