German carrier Lufthansa has announced that it will begin flights to Denver for the first time using the Airbus A380 starting ...
The Airbus A380 is a feat of engineering, capable of flying farther and carrying more passengers than almost any other plane.
The German airline is planning to fly an Airbus A380 between Munich and Denver on a seasonal route starting in late April and continuing through September.
European aircraft manufacturer Airbus has pulled the plug on its struggling A380 superjumbo, which entered service just 12 years ago. Airbus said last deliveries of the world's largest passenger ...
Maintenance & Engineering is proud to announce the arrival of its second Airbus A380 for maintenance services in Portugal.
Michael Goldstein is a journalist and playwright based in Los Angeles. Emirates very first Airbus A380, A6-EDA, in flight. The plane was retired in 2020 after flying more ... [+] than 2 million ...
L'A380 d'Airbus ne sera plus renouvelé. L’issue était inéluctable. Avec un carnet de commandes en berne depuis plusieurs années et une réduction graduelle des cadences de production ...
Airbus consolidated many European aerospace manufacturers and built into the Airbus Industrie GIE consortium ... The double-decker A380 has become an infamous symbol for its operators, perhaps ...
A year ago [Ramy RC] set out on a momentous challenge: to build a 1:21 scale Airbus A380-800 RC model with functional engines, landing gear and all other details. Recently he finished the project ...
En 2001, suite à la consolidation de l'industrie aéronautique européenne ... 2000 poussera à la transformation de la structure juridique d'Airbus. Le 27 avril 2005, à 10h29, l'A380 a décollé pour la ...
Le bâtiment abritant le restaurant aurait la forme d'une tour de contrôle, avec une vue plongeante sur l'appareil. Une importante page de l'histoire d'Airbus s'est tournée le 16 décembre ...