A North Texas legislator has introduced a bill that would allow any municipality across the state to restrict the use of a ...
It means your car repair bills are going to go up. And it sends the wrong signal to developers and people who want to move to ...
Classic car songs, slow-rolling hip-hop jams, and tunes in all genes that perfectly evoke the feeling of hitting the open highway.
Florida Highway Patrol said that four people were taken to the hospital with serious injuries after a major crash on State ...
Plans to widen part of Six Forks Road are over budget again, leaving city leaders wondering how to move forward. Expanding ...
An onslaught of unsolicited texts to Americans’ phones in recent months claiming they owe unpaid tolls and E-ZPass bills is ...
COLOMA, Mich. (WNDU) -The Coloma Road bridge over the Paw Paw River is currently closed to thru traffic, between I-196 and ...
The Historic Columbia River Highway is closed between Larch Mountain Road and the Vista House due to roadway settling, ...