View of cherry blossoms in bloom along Kawazu river in Japan View of cherry blossoms in bloom along Kawazu river in Japan. Watch more on Independent TV: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: ...
Many visitors enjoyed the final day of a cherry blossom festival featuring an early-blooming variety, Kawazu-zakura, in a town in central Japan on Sunday.
Kawazu zakura is a variety of cherry blossoms that bloom early. This year, they flowered later than normal, but are now in full bloom in the town of K・・・ ...
Hundreds of early-blooming cherry trees lining the Kawazugawa river in Shizuoka Prefecture have now reached their peak after a cold spell delayed their bloom.
Aeound 850 trees of the early-blooming Kawazu-zakura variety form a four-kilometer tunnel of pink flowers on the banks of Kawazugawa river every year. The Izu Agricultural Research Center ...
On March 2, the weather was warm like spring. Many people visited and took photos along the Kawazu River, which is lined with about 850 cherry trees. The blossoms can be enjoyed until around March 9.