A group of researchers claimed to discover an underground system of pathways and wells near the Khafre Pyramid base.
Claims that researchers discovered previously unknown structures beneath the Pyramid of Khafre — the pyramid situated in the ...
Every now and then, the great pyramids of Egypt are linked to a new discovery that raises more and more questions about the ...
Scientists behind a brand new Pyramids of Giza theory have come back fighting after being labelled as issuing 'fake news' ...
New research reveals that not only elites were buried in Egyptian pyramids—laborers may have rested there too.
NEW secrets have been revealed about what lies below Egypt’s pyramids after scientists said they found an ancient city buried ...
Italian and Scottish scientists have claimed to have discovered ‘a vast underground city’ below the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt ...
A heated debate has erupted among Egyptologists after researchers claimed to have found an “underground city” beneath the ...
The project used Synthetic Aperture Radar tomography and involved scientists Corrado Malanga of the University of Pisa and Filippo Biondi of the University of Strathclyde in Scotland, who scanned the ...
The "discovery" of an underground city beneath the pyramids of Giza has caused heated debate amongst Egypt experts.
Investigating a burial site at the ancient village of Tombos, archaeologists have re-written their own rule book when it ...
Tomb near Abydos found 7 meters underground at Anubis Mountain, announced by University of Pennsylvania Museum.